Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wow. you're that self-absorb to miss my point.

Being a comper (person who joins contest a lot) in nature has its ups and downs, among the downs being you actually strain friends on Facebook and actual friends when you approach them for favors. Here's what actually happened to me on the 30th of December 2011, when I was asking a favo(u)r from Derpina (not real name) regarding the Hennessy NYX party apps invitation.
The mechanism was fairly simple, every successful registration earns me a point, if my points are among the top 100, I get to go to the party. As simple as that. If I do, I'll owe whoever who helped and repay in the same magnitude, these can be done if asked properly, heck, for friends I'll do it even though you have not asked at all.
Read ahead our context what happened between me and Derpina.

Ivan : Hey Derpina
Derpina : hi ivan..........psyduck XD
(psyduck was one of my nickname during high school, so this shows I've known Derpina for around 10 years)
Ivan : happy beearlied new year btw
Derpina : hahaa happy 2012! r u exciteddd
Ivan : so so only lor
Derpina : haha, kamon man, it's gonna be epic! 2012 is the much rumored to be epic year!
Ivan : Lemon lor...hahhaa, eh, anyone sent u the Hennessy NYX apps invite yet?
Derpina: .......?
Ivan : I'll send u mine, just need u to accept and register :)
Derpina : ... why would i want to do that in the first place
Ivan : If I am in the top 100 in terms of invites, I can go for the Hennessy Party on 5th of Jan, Let me know if this is much of a burden, so we won't waste each other's time [1]
Derpina : put it this way, if you're talking to me just because you want a favor from me, i'd prefer if you were more forthright about it. [2]
Ivan : Does it make a difference anyway?
Derpina : unless you want to come across as insincere [3]
Ivan : OK, I don't wanna ruin your 2012 coming through, and subsequently our friendship. Just drop my request, I don't wanna argue with u on this matter. [4]
Derpina : you solely want me to do something that would benefit you,...how would that benefit me in return? i mean, i dunno man. i thought u take me as a friend. not just some business opportunity or personal interest gain [5]
Ivan : I seriously have no idea how to respond on this matter, but I was being really blunt when I asked if you think this is not right for you, then be straight and I'll just won't bother asking/persuading you, And by that, we drop this issue and the chat has go on. Now, apparently, I'm this selfish bastard who talks to you just becoz I have personal gains, and ignores you other times? I don't on my chat often, but when I do it's only for these kinda things. My wall/PM is always open, but it seems that we don't talk that much often. I've explained myself enough tonight, like I said, I am not in the mood of arguing with you, please just forget that I've ever asked. And moving forward, since that is your impression towards me, I shall refrain myself from asking anymore further requests, just in case of further misconception arises.
Derpina : wow. you're that self-absorb to miss my point. i'm sorry im not trying to entertain you about this.ya ok let's drop it then. im not in the mood either
Ivan : Ok noted, good night
Derpina : well, good luck with your search tho..i mean it
And then this came, 8 hours later in Derpina's facebook

Dear "Friends" in my Facebook: If you mainly want me to do you a favo[u]r, especially of business nature,I would appreciate it if you do away with the small talks and niceties and Especially Indirect attempts at asking me what you want me to do for you from the beginning. Real and True friends don't let their friends put up with insincerity and BS. Thank you.

Now, I am not saying that the way I approach her was right at all, I can admit that. The reason why I had the "small talks" and "niceties" was because I really bothered and cared, had I solely treated her like some business partner, I would've straight up asked her for the favor, and done deal with it. There is no point in starting conversations with people who aren't really friends, but co-ops who are in my friends list.

In [1], I've already "forthright" mentioned, if this is a burden to her, just say so and we'll be done and over of the issue. Derpina decided to educate me on how to approach her in asking favo(u)rs instead. Derpina, if she was any less of a pain in the know where, could've told me off in a different tone, but being defensive as she was, she kept going about "insincerity" and such.

Derpina went on and on in [2] and [3] despite my very best to just drop the issue, as I am trying to gain help elsewhere and not waste much time 'begging' or 'persuading' her for help. Nowhere have I mentioned that I am planning to stop chatting or stop being her friend. It was almost 3am at the time of chat, and I was tired to say the least [4].

In [5], Derpina explained the theory of mutual business indirectly. Of course, everyone wants benefits upon helping others, but really Derpina? Why do you have to be so offensive in the way you state your points? Jeez

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